Woman's Studies
Discourse on the Use of the Pen (d. 1746)
The Florist (d. 1760)
Bum-Fodder for the Ladies (d. 1753)
The Fifteen Plagues of a Maiden-Head. (d. 1707)
The Lady's Physician. (d. 1776)
The Well-Ordered Family
The Art of Hair-Dressing (d. 1750)
A Present for a Servant-Maid
A Present for Women Addicted to Drinking
The Enormous Abomination of the Hoop-Petticoat
Country-Dancing Made Plain and Easy
The Benefit of Farting Explained; (d.1722)
The New London Toilet (d. 1778)
Advice to the Ladies, From a Satyr - 1754
Two Kissing Women & Other Assorted Works
A Dissertation Upon Head Dress - 1767
Needle Books - c.1740-1790
The Servant's Directory Improved -1762