Political Pamphlets
Articles of Capitulation;
Reflections on Duelling and on Preventing it. (d. 1790)
An Essay on the Manner of Writing History - 1746
Common Sense - 1776
The American Crisis - 1776
The Thoughts of a Freeman - 1777
Indian Song of Peace - 1752
Declaration of Independence
A Summary View of the Rights of British America - 1774
A History of the Dispute with America - 1784
The Journal of Major George Washington - 1754
Militia Act of Massachusetts - 1776
An Essay on Political Lying (d. 1757)
The Patriots of North-America - 1775
An Account of the Slave Trade (d. 1788)
The Tears of the Indians: (d. 1656)
Americans against Liberty; (d. 1776)
Rules of Civility By G. Washington